Beauty Products That Keep On Giving!

Beauty Products That Keep On Giving!

Tis’ the season to give so why not choose sustainable options! They are the gifts that keep on giving. If you’re trying to decide what to get for your friends and family this holiday season, you can never go wrong with clean and natural skincare. In an oversaturated skincare market it’s harder to determine which skincare products are clean, natural, sustainable and worth gifting your loved ones. However, you can be assured that LASPA skincare products are the perfect products for yourself and your loved ones, as all of our products are only made from plant and earth based materials. This season we shall also be introducing refillable options for our Gentle Foaming Cleanser and Intensive Anti-Aging Glycolic Acid Treatment. Why is this important you may ask?


Impact of One-Time Plastic Use on the Environment:

Did you know only 9% of plastic is recycled in Canada? The rest ends up in landfills or littered on our lands and waters. This means nearly 3 million tonnes of plastic end up in landfill in Canada every year and 29,000 tonnes make their way into the environment. Plastics take up a lot of land space as they accumulate faster than they decompose and will often break down into tiny microplastics that create pollution on land and in the ocean. 

The fossil-fuel based supply chain that plastics are manufactured from contributes to the climate crisis. This is because when you are making plastics, the extraction and transportation of fossil fuels emits an annual estimate of 12.5 to 13.5 million metric tons of carbon dioxide – a greenhouse gas that causes global warming. 

According to Ontario Nature, manufacturers of single-use plastics consume 6% of all global oil supply, which is estimated to increase to 20% by 2050. The refining of plastics releases 184 to 213 million metric tons of carbon dioxide, which is roughly equivalent to what 45 million passenger vehicles emit each year. By 2050, single-use plastics are projected to account for 10% of worldwide GHG emissions.

In Addition to the harmful effects on the environment, human health is harmed by single-use of plastics. Plastics when left to degrade leach many harmful chemicals into the ecosystem such as bisphenol-A (BPA). They release endocrine-disrupting chemicals that bioaccumulate in humans and can cause cancer and impact reproductive hormones.


Industry trends towards Refills: 

Many companies are making the move towards more sustainable beauty products and one of the pioneers of this is Izzy Zero Waste Beauty. They identify as a Zero Waste brand because nothing they manufacture is sent to a landfill or dumped into oceans.  Their stainless steel mascara tubes can be medically cleaned and refilled thousands of times, whilst their mascara wands and brushes are reground, remolded and reused again and again. All their products contain 94% less plastic than most leading brands. 

LASPA is inspired by Izzy Zero Waste Beauty’s effort at more sustainable and environmentally friendly beauty products. We are also making strides towards creating more sustainable products using refills so that packaging doesn’t go to waste. We shall be introducing a refillable option for both our Gentle Foaming Cleanser as well as our Anti-Aging Glycolic Acid Treatment. These shall be packaged in glass bottles which are a more sustainable option. Glass packaging is 100% recyclable, reusable and refillable. It is made with no synthetic chemicals, making it safe for both the environment and consumer health.


Holiday Gift Suggestions:

That being said, with Christmas right around the corner, why not gift your loved ones skincare products that contain natural and certified organic ingredients on the inside and safe sustainable packing on the outside. We suggest gifting your loved one with our LASPA Advanced Rejuvenation gift set which includes our Gentle Foaming Cleanser, Anti-Aging Glycolic Acid Treatment and SPF 30 Mineral Sunscreen. This will provide them with a spa-like facial treatment starting out with our gentle cleanser for clean and hydrated skin, followed by our glycolic treatments for an overnight facial exfoliation and sunscreen to protect their renewed skin from harmful sun rays the next day. So this Christmas, give a gift that means something more.  

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