Welcome to our LASPA Blog!

As we are all hunkered down thinking about the basics of life, it seems like a fitting time to explain the beginning and the reasons behind LASPA and our products.
As always, I am personally committed to buying and making products that don’t contain any of the harmful ingredients that are known carcinogens and allergens; this includes artificial fragrances and colors, petrochemical and animal-derived ingredients.
Why? Not only does science prove the health risks associated with the repetitive use of these ingredients day after day, but some people, like my daughter, just can’t use them! Those with contact dermatitis and allergies cannot wear many of the chemical sunscreens and other cosmetic products that are currently on the market. And so LASPA SPF mineral sunscreens were brought to life in 2017 for these very reasons.
In this time of crisis, we realize that our health and well-being is the most important aspect of our world, and that we are all connected in achieving that goal. COVID-19 has shown us in a way we could have never imagined, that your own health is reliant on the health of another. What a great lesson in sharing and caring this has turned out to be.
As an entrepreneur, it also has brought home the need to create relationships with local suppliers, and understand the difference and quality that they have brought to us. The importance of knowing your local market operator that only uses the freshest ingredients has never been more emphasized in uncertain times like this. ; As we practice conscious economy, it’s also important to understand the why’s and what’s we put on our skin and who makes it is just as important as food choices. Our skin in our largest organ after all!
My hope for this blog is to bring relevant information to you about skincare ingredients so you can make smarter choices. I hope you will find something interesting and useful to you and your family in this time of reflection.
Best of wishes for your good health,
Susan Mey
President and Founder
LASPA Naturals Co.