Why Does A Glycolic Acid Peel Make Your Skin Glow?

Why Does A Glycolic Acid Peel Make Your Skin Glow?

Glycolic acid peels are buzzed about in the beauty community for their incredible ability to smooth and brighten skin. You may have considered getting a Glycolic acid peel for hyperpigmentation, acne scarring, or anti-aging purposes. But, these chemical peels help with many different skin issues. We at LASPA are big fans of this treatment, our 100% bio based Glycolic acid peel is one of our customer favourites, and it’s easy to see why. Glycolic peels give you real results.

If you are wondering how to use a Glycolic acid peel in your skin regime effectively, you’ve come to the right place. How exactly does a Glycolic acid peel make your skin glow? And what exactly is this miraculous treatment? Let’s get into it.

What Is a Glycolic Acid Peel?

Let’s talk about Glycolic acid in general, what is it? Glycolic acid is an AHA (Alpha Hydroxy Acid), a natural acid present in the environment around us. LASPA Glycolic acid is derived from sugarcane in a fermentation process. Compared to other AHA’s,Glycolic acid is the most effective exfoliant and among the safest when it comes to skincare. Our LASPA products are also 100% bio-based, so you can be sure that it’s natural, and good for your skin.

For it to be at its most effective, and for the sake of safety, the pH levels of the Glycolic acid should not exceed 3.5 according to Health Canada regulation. LASPA’s Glycolic Acid Peel has an optimum pH of 3.5. If the pH is too high, it’s effects will be neutralized and less effective. Alternatively, if it’s too low, the substance could potentially burn your skin. So be sure to keep this in mind when considering adding Glycolic acid to your skincare regime.

So, what exactly is a Glycolic acid peel? In a nutshell, it’s an exfoliant. You can have the treatment applied by a skincare specialist, or apply the treatment at home. The acid concentration used in a spa treatment by professionals is at a maximum of 30% strength, whereas an “at home” peel kit is only allowed to use a maximum of 10% Glycolic Acid.  These levels are set by regulation to ensure consumer safety.  A chemical peel removes both the surface and middle layers of your skin. 

The best part, it leaves behind a fresh and renewed layer of skin that is free of dead cells and debris. This leads to improvement in the overall appearance of your skin. It looks fresher, smoother, and your overall complexion exudes that highly coveted post-Glycolic acid peel glow.

Glycolic Peel Treatment Step-By-Step

The following steps are written with the use of our LASPA Intensive Glycolic Acid Peel in mind, but a skin specialist would apply any Glycolic peel the very same way (the amount of time the product sits on skin will vary of course).

  1. The process begins by cleansing the skin, ensuring your skin is dry and oil-free.
  2. Next, the peel is administered onto a cotton pad for application to the face and neck.
  3. The product is applied to the face and neck, taking careful consideration to avoid getting near the eyes or in the mouth.
  4. The product will then sit on the skin overnight to absorb into your skin.
  5. In the morning, rinse the product from your skin with cold water.
  6. Finally, apply mineral sunscreen to your dry skin, and you will be finished and on your way out the door.

Glycolic Acid Peel At Home

Are you thinking of trying a Glycolic acid peel at home? Well, you’ve got quite a few options. Our LASPA Intensive Glycolic Peel (the best Glycolic acid peel, in our humble opinion) is made from naturally sourced ingredients, using a small batch patent-pending fermentation process, yielding a potent Glycolic acid that contains no impurities. It features a unique combination of Glycolic and Hyaluronic acid for exfoliation and moisturizing.

Who Should Use a Glycolic Acid Peel

Most skin types will benefit immensely from this treatment. Still, if you know that your skin is generally more on the sensitive side, you might want to discuss with your dermatologist before considering this treatment. Glycolic peels are an ideal remedy for a myriad of skin conditions. So if you ever found yourself wondering, “Has anyone used glycolic acid peel for hyperpigmentation?” well, yes, in fact, it’s incredibly effective at treating it too. It’s also an excellent solution for the following skin conditions:

  • Uneven/dull complexion
  • Large pores
  • Acne and scarring
  • Wrinkles 
  • Sun damage
  • Hyperpigmentation
  • Frequent sun tanners 
  • Freckles and spots

Whether you’re using a Glycolic peel for hyperpigmentation, acne scarring, or just to give your dull skin a little bit of that glow factor.Glycolic peels, when properly used,  are safe for all skin tones and types.

How Often Can You Get a Glycolic Acid Peel

You should leave at least 2weeks  buffer between each Glycolic peel treatment. For optimal results, it’s suggested to have multiple treatments. On average, it will take about 6 to 8 treatments to get the best result. Consistent treatments will keep your skin rejuvenated and provide long-term benefits. Think of it as maintenance, keeping up with the regime will help prevent recurrence of skin issues and enrich your results.

The Top Benefits of a Glycolic Acid Peel

The most sought after Glycolic acid peel benefits include the following:

  • The gradual reduction of hyperpigmentation
  • It lightens the complexion giving the skin a more fair appearance
  • A general evening out of the complexion
  • An improvement in skin texture and smoothing of fine lines
  • After your peel, your skin will better absorb skincare products
  • Retains moisture and plumpness
  • A boost in collagen production
  • Anti-aging effects
  • And lastly, the GLOW!

Glycolic Peel Before And After Results

How long will it take to see Glycolic acid peel results? You will not see them immediately. Generally, your skin will be at its best once the exposed skin has fully healed and recovered, which is all dependent on the potency of the acid. It can take up to two weeks for new skin cells to regenerate.

 Over the following week, you’ll notice fresh, radiant skin. You might notice a change in your skin’s elasticity, too. Your skin will appear plumper and hydrated. Overall you’ll see an evened-out skin tone free of blemishes. Freckles, wrinkles, and pigmentation will gradually fade with every treatment. Your Glycolic acid peel before and after will have you longing for more applications. Minimal risk and major glow!

Glycolic Peel Recovery Period

One thing that’s great about this treatment is that there’s zero downtime. Once you’ve completed the treatment, your daily life can continue without any interruption. Minor redness may linger for a few hours post-treatment, but that’s to be expected with most facial treatments.

Mineral Sunscreen Benefits

After your treatment, your skin will be sensitive and vulnerable to the rays of the sun. So one essential aftercare instruction is wearing sunscreen. Mineral sunscreen is preferable, and here’s why. Using a sunscreen with zinc oxide (Like our LASPA mineral sunscreens) protects you from UVA/UVB rays, something that a chemical sunscreen doesn’t necessarily do. Because of the zinc, mineral sunscreen is instantly effective immediately after application, whereas chemical products require time to absorb into your skin.

It is recommended to select a mineral sunscreen SPF30 or higher. This is critical, whether you are outdoors or even indoors. UVs are very much present inside your home, so don’t assume you are protected because you’re not directly under the sun’s rays. Always wear SPF, apply it liberally, and reapply every two hours when skin is exposed to the sun. When you’re outside in particular, it’s advisable to wear a hat, too.

Aftercare – What to Do After Your Glycolic Peel

Aside from the previously mentioned mineral sunscreen, it is crucial to follow the recommended aftercare instructions. Standard aftercare instructions following a glycolic peel will include the following:

  • SPF, but you knew that already
  • Avoid hot or cold water on the skin, stick to room temperature to avoid shock
  • Avoid any activities that will cause you to sweat i.e., gym, sports
  • Do not wear makeup for a minimum of 24 hours post-peel
  • Avoid pools, hot tubs, and saunas
  • Avoid any other treatment on the face i.e., waxing, threading

Ready to try a Glycolic acid peel, and let your skin reap the benefits? LASPA has got you covered with a line of 100% bio-based Glycolic peel products (Intensive Anti-Aging Glycolic Peel (10%) Acid Overnight Treatment Kit) and some excellent LASPA aftercare products to match. Go on, get your glow on.