April 2018: The Future is Female & Eco-Friendly

6 Badass Women Leading Canada's Green Beauty Movement - The Future is female and eco-friendly.
The story of LASPA comes down to motherly love. It all began when Susan Mey couldn’t find a sunscreen that worked for her daughter Alison. “She suffers from allergies and skin sensitivities, so it was extremely difficult finding an effective sunscreen that wouldn’t cause a reaction and was also cosmetically pleasing,” Mey explains. She decided to take matters into her own hands and through good old trial and error, developed a natural formula that’s not only hypoallergenic but also enjoyable to use. The key is high-quality zinc. “Many mineral sunscreens are white and pasty and not very popular with women for this reason. We use a zinc that’s very fine and spreads evenly on skin.” Her products have become a hit with green beauty lovers as well as with her daughter Alison, of course. “She’s still a product screener and our model as well!”
Katherine Lalancette | The Kit | April 16, 2018
Read the full article here.