The History of Black Skincare

The History of Black Skincare

Black History Month is an annual observance in the United States and Canada that recognizes and celebrates the contributions and achievements of Black people. It takes place in February in the US and the month...
Why You Should Consider Switching to a Non-Chemical, Tinted Mineral Sunscreen!

Why You Should Consider Switching to a Non-Chemical, Tinted Mineral Sunscreen!

If you are looking for healthy, non-irritating sunscreens, there is no better option than tinted mineral sunscreens from LASPA. These formulas are made to protect the skin by using plant-based alternatives as opposed to chemicals...
How to avoid harmful aspects of the sun?

How to avoid harmful aspects of the sun?

While summer is still within reach, you’re probably spending more time outdoors and soaking up as much of the good weather as possible. And who can blame you? While fresh air and outdoor activities can...
Sun Care Best Practices – An Interview With Dermatologist Dr. Julia Carroll

Sun Care Best Practices – An Interview With Dermatologist Dr. Julia Carroll

May is National Skin Cancer Awareness Month. As a brand that feels strongly about healthy sunscreen solutions for everyone, we wanted to dive deeper into skin cancer prevention and explore exactly how we can protect...
Debunking Myths Around Skin Cancer in People of Colour

Debunking Myths Around Skin Cancer in People of Colour

As we make our way through National Cancer Awareness Month, we’re reminded that skin cancer affects different communities disproportionately. While people of all communities are at risk for skin cancer, BIPOC are less likely to...
A Mineral Sunscreen Solution for Melanin Rich Skin

A Mineral Sunscreen Solution for Melanin Rich Skin

In 2020,George Floyd’s wrongful death brought forth an issue that has repeatedly been neglected by all politicians, industries, and society in general. Through organizations such as Black Lives Matter and many others, we are reminded that the...
Melanin Rich Skin & SPF

Melanin Rich Skin & SPF

Only in recent times is attention being paid to doing research into skincare for the melanin rich skin. It is widely believed that the darker the skin, the less is the need for protection from...
Everything You Need To Know About Hyperpigmentation

Everything You Need To Know About Hyperpigmentation

If you have looked in the mirror and noticed skin discolouration that seems to have appeared with age – you’re not alone. Many people experience dark spots, or hyperpigmentation, that show up on the skin...
Top 5 Ingredients To Avoid In Sunscreen

Top 5 Ingredients To Avoid In Sunscreen

When we think of which beauty products we use most frequently, there will be a few that top the list. Perhaps body lotion, shampoo, deodorant, or moisturizer comes to mind first. But there’s one item...
Here’s how to achieve skin minimalism with a natural, streamlined skincare routine

Here’s how to achieve skin minimalism with a natural, streamlined skincare routine

When it comes to skincare, sometimes the simpler the routine, the more effective. And when I say simplicity, I’m referring to not only the number of steps, but the inherent simplicity of product ingredients too....