Debunking Myths Around Skin Cancer in People of Colour

Debunking Myths Around Skin Cancer in People of Colour

As we make our way through National Cancer Awareness Month, we’re reminded that skin cancer affects different communities disproportionately. While people of all communities are at risk for skin cancer, BIPOC are less likely to...
Effortless Skincare Routine Essentials

Effortless Skincare Routine Essentials

What is an essential skincare routine? We believe that skincare is skin health. Just as you would go to a spin class or drink a green smoothie, using skincare products that strengthen and protect your...
Celebrate Black History Month with LASPA Naturals – A Message from our Founder

Celebrate Black History Month with LASPA Naturals – A Message from our Founder

Dear Friends and Supporters: February is Black History Month.  This month reminds us of the challenges that have been overcome, but are still being faced by people of colour across North America. We would like...
A Mineral Sunscreen Solution for Melanin Rich Skin

A Mineral Sunscreen Solution for Melanin Rich Skin

In 2020,George Floyd’s wrongful death brought forth an issue that has repeatedly been neglected by all politicians, industries, and society in general. Through organizations such as Black Lives Matter and many others, we are reminded that the...
SPF Is For Everyone: Why We’re Expanding Our Shade Range

SPF Is For Everyone: Why We’re Expanding Our Shade Range

We love mineral sunscreen.  It was one of the first products we developed while creating the LASPA Naturals brand, and we believe that everyone should have access to it. Throughout our journey in the natural...
Melanin Rich Skin & SPF

Melanin Rich Skin & SPF

Only in recent times is attention being paid to doing research into skincare for the melanin rich skin. It is widely believed that the darker the skin, the less is the need for protection from...
Everything You Need To Know About Hyperpigmentation

Everything You Need To Know About Hyperpigmentation

If you have looked in the mirror and noticed skin discolouration that seems to have appeared with age – you’re not alone. Many people experience dark spots, or hyperpigmentation, that show up on the skin...
Our Story

Our Story

Meet Alison.Lots of companies talk about their “why”, or their main motivation for going into business, so we wanted to introduce you to ours! She’s the reason we have what we all now know and...
How Does Exfoliation Fit Into Your Skincare Routine?

How Does Exfoliation Fit Into Your Skincare Routine?

Getting rid of the dirt and impurities from your skin on a daily basis is very important. Washing your face twice daily with a cleanser ensures your skin is clean. But your cleanser cannot clean...
How To Update Your Skincare Routine For Fall

How To Update Your Skincare Routine For Fall

As the weather begins to cool, we exchange our summer blouses for cozy, warm sweaters and our sandals for snug boots. We expect the weather change to affect our wardrobe, outdoor activities, and even our...